Selim Gulesci is an associate professor of economics, specializing in development and labour economics. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from London School of Economics in 2011 and joined Bocconi University as an assistant professor. He is also joining the Department of Economics at the Trinity College Dublin in September 2020. Selim’s research is focused on two broad themes: (1) entrepreneurship and barriers to small firm growth (2) the evolution of gender norms and their role in limiting women’s productivity. Throughout his research, Selim has contributed to the literature by providing credible empirical evidence that is interpreted through the lens of microeconomic theory. He has conducted field experiments in Bangladesh, Bolivia, Mozambique, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda; on topics such as microfinance, ultra-poor graduation programs, gender based violence, vocational and soft skills training for young women. His work has been published in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Quarterly Journal of Economics and World Bank Economic Review. He is an affiliate of the Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD), the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) development economics program and the European Development Network (EUDN)